Komunikaty dla kandydatów na studia
na Wydziale Energetyki i Paliw


Ogólne informacje dotyczące rekrutacji
na studia na Wydziale EiP


Harmonogram rekrutacji na studia
na Wydziale Energetyki i Paliw


Informacje na temat godzin urzędowania Wydziałowej Komisji Rekrutacyjnej

Studia II stopnia - Clean Coal Technologies
The programme is a unique blend of energy and chemical technologies, and focuses on the important problems of energy production from coal. Coal, although a fossil fuel, is believed to be a good medium term solution for energy industry as it is an abundant energy resource, but the knowledge and further development of modern energy technologies are required (Clean Coal Technologies) in order to produce energy from coal in environmentally friendly way. The other aspect of coal use is the possibility of processing of coal, or a by-product from energy production CO2, to valuable chemicals. Thus special stress is laid in the program on gasification, and CO2 removal and chemical reprocessing. [Read more]
Programme Intake - October 2012, March 2013
Winter Semester
  Course Type Total L Cl Lab Proj Sem ECTS As
  Chemical reactors C 45 20 25 - - - 4 e
  Catalysis in fuel industry and air pollution control C 60 30 - 30 - - 4 -
  Chemistry of coal C 30 15 - 15 - - 2 -
  Biotechnology C 30 15 - - - 15 2 -
  Gasification C 60 30 - - 30 - 5 e
  Carbon dioxide mitigation technologies C 45 15 - - - 30 4 e
  Electives - Block C*                  
  C1: Renewable energy E 45 15 - 30 - - 3 -
  C2: Fuel cells E 45 15 - 30 - - 3 -
  C3: Low emission combustion E 45 15 15 15 - - 3 -
  Electives - Block D*                  
D1:Ceramic materials for energy industry E 45 15 - 30 - - 3 -
  D3: CFD modelling with ANSYS Fluent E 45 15 - 30 - - 3 -
  D3: Radioactive elements in power industry and soil pollution control E 45 15 - 20 - 10 3 -
*) Electives (block C or D, one to be selected)
Meeting industry/non-academic/business representatives – invited lectures, seminars, consultations
Spring Semester
  Course Type Total L Cl Lab Proj Sem ECTS As
  Environmental protection C 60 30 15 - - 15 4 e
  Computer modelling of technological processes C 30 - - 30 - - 2 -
  Advanced coal technologies C 60 20 20 - 20 - 5 e
  Process design and integration C 45 20 - - 25 - 4 -
  Preparation of a business plan C,LS 60 15 - - 45 - 4 -
  Electives x1* - Sport activities E 30 - 30 - - - 2 -
  Electives x2* - Students Research Group E 30 - - 30** 30** - 2 -
  Electives x3* - Intellectual Property Rights E 30 10 - - 20 - 2 -
  Electives - Block A***                  
  A1: Planning and forecasting in energy systems E 45 15 10 - 20 - 3 -
  A2: Sustainable energy development E 45 15 - - 30 - 3 -
  A3: Heat and mass transfer processes in energy sector E 45 15 30 - - - 3 -
  Electives - Block B***                  
  B1: Nuclear synergy with coal and chemical processing E 45 15 - - - 30 3 -
  B2: Energy policy E 45 15 30 - - - 3 -
  B3: Modern environmental analytics E 45 15 - 30 - - 3 -
C- compulsory, E - elective, LS - language specialized exam B2+
*) x1, x2 or x3 to be selected
**) lab or project, depending on Research Group
***) Electives (block A or B, one to be selected)
Meeting industry/non-academic/business representatives – invited lectures, seminars, consultations
Summer break: Industrial internship (minimum 2 months) (possible for 3-semester study) – 5 ECTS
Semester III
  Course Type Total L Cl Lab Proj Sem ECTS As
  Diploma seminar C - - - - - 30 10 exam
  MSc thesis C - - - - - - 20 -
Aby pobrać plan studiów w pliku PDF - kliknij tutaj.
Programme Intake - March 2012
Spring Semester
Course Total L Cl Lab Sem Proj ECTS
Environmental protection 60 30 15 15 - - 5
Computer modelling of technological processes 30 - - 30 - - 2
Advanced coal technologies 90 30 30 - - 30 6
Process design and integration 45 20 - - - 25 4
Preparation of a business plan 60 15 - - - 45 4
Electives (block A or B) 135           9
Consultation week: meeting with industry/non-academic/business representatives - invited lectures, seminars, consultations
Summer break: Industrial internship (minimum 2 months) (possible for 3-semester study)
Electives Total L Cl Lab Sem Proj ECTS
Block A              
A1: Planning and forecasting in energy systems 45 15 10 - - 20 3
A2: Sustainable energy development 45 15 - - - 30 3
A3: Heat and mass transfer processes in energy sector (STU) 45 15 30 - - - 3
Block B
B1: Nuclear synergy with coal and chemical processing 45 15 - - 30 - 3
B2: Energy policy 45 15 30 - - - 3
B3: Modern environmental analytics (STU) 45 15 - 30 - - 3
Winter Semester
Course Total L Cl Lab Sem Proj ECTS
Chemical reactors engineering 45 20 25 - - - 4
Catalysis in fuel industry and air pollution control 75 30 - 15 30 - 4
Chemistry of coal 30 15 - 15 - - 2
Biotechnology 30 15 - - 15 - 2
Gasification 60 30 - - - 30 5
Carbon dioxide mitigation technologies 45 15 - - 30 - 4
Electives (block C or D) 135           9
Consultation week: meeting with industry/non-academic/business representatives – invited lectures, seminars, consultations
Electives Total L Cl Lab Sem Proj ECTS
Block C              
C1: Renewable energy 45 15 - 30 - - 3
C2: Fuel cells 45 15 - 30 - - 3
C3: Low emission combustion (STU) 45 15 15 15 - - 3
Block D              
D1:Ceramic materials for energy industry 45 15 - 15 15 - 3
D3: CFD modelling with ANSYS Fluent 45 15 - 30 - - 3
D3: Radioactive elements in power industry and soil pollution control 45 15 - 20 10 - 3
Semester III
  Total L Cl Lab Sem Proj ECTS
Diploma seminar 30 - - - 30 - 10
MSc thesis - - - - - - 20
Aby pobrać plan studiów w pliku PDF - kliknij tutaj.