
There are different types of neural networks, which can be distinguished on the basis of their structure and directions of signal flow. Each kind of neural network has its own method of training. Generally, neural networks may be differentiated as follows

Feedforward neural networks, which typical example is one-layer perceptron (see figure of Single-layer perceptron), consist of neurons set in layers. The information flow has one direction. Neurons from a layer are connected only with the neurons from the preceding layer. The multi-layer networks usually consist of input, hidden (one or more), and output layers. Such system may be treated as non-linear function approximation block: y = f(u).

Recurrent neural networks. Such networks have feedback loops (at least one) – output signals of a layer are connected to its inputs. It causes dynamic effects during network work. Input signals of layer consist of input and output states (from the previous step) of that layer. The structure of recurrent network depicts the below figure.

recurrent network

Cellular networks. In this type of neural networks neurons are arranged in a lattice. The connections (usually non-linear) may appear between the closest neurons. The typical example of such networks is Kohonen Self-Organising-Map.

recurrent network