Hopfield network is an example of the network with feedback (so-called recurrent network), where outputs of neurons are connected to input of every neuron by means of the appropriate weights. Of course there are also inputs which provide neurons with components of test vector.


In the event of the net that work as autoassociative memory (our case) weights which connect neuron output with its input are zeros and the matrix of weights W is symmetrical.

The activation function of a single neuron looks as follows:




 where i and j means index of neurons in N-neural Hopfield Network, and k is a time moment. It is very important, that components of x vector are copied to the outputs of neurons in the moment k=0 , and they are disconnected for k>0 (x=0).


In the recovery mode weights of netowrk connections are constant. The network „remembers” the pattern vectors, which has been taught, thanks to the weights of connections. When the network associate input test vector with the pattern vector their outputs of achieve stable state. It means that input vector is similar to the one of the pattern vectors. The network is not able to assign input vector to the any of pattern vectors when the outputs cannot achieve stable state


In the training mode the weights are calculated on the base of the teaching (pattern) vectors. The simplest teaching method, which is used by us, is the Hebb Rule. Weights are calculated using formula:



            where k means index of teaching vector and K the number of all teaching vectors.