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Let’s Don’t Write off Traditional Energy - How Unconventional Resources & Innovation Can Create a New Energy Future

added: 12th April 2012
Poland Section of Society of Petroleum Engineers want to invite you for lecture given by SPE Distinguished Lecturer C. Michael Ming, from Oklahoma Secretary of Energy
The Lecture will be given at AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Al. Mickiewicza 30, building A-4, room 3, on 23th April 2012 at 12:00.
A growing global population continues to strain the system for reliable, affordable, secure and environmentally acceptable energy supplies. The scale of the challenge is immense, and unfortunately not acknowledged by many in the quest for new clean, green and renewable energy supplies.
Transportation fuels and carbon emissions are two of the most pressing issues. While long-term solutions are being researched, other more pragmatic options are available right now. Huge new natural gas resource developments have redefined the supply perspective. However, these new supplies, once thought unproduceable, present much more opportunity than just a new energy source.
We collectively waste far more energy everyday than we ultimately use. Capturing this wasted energy, much of which comes from traditional energy sources, has extraordinary potential and is absolutely achievable. The unique attributes of natural gas can create a much more efficient energy system with dramatically reduced carbon intensity. And, the technology that enabled the rapid and recent development of gas shales in the United States, and the optimal energy system that it creates, can be transferred to the rest of the world. This is especially important as developing nations make decisions on new energy infrastructure. This presentation will describe a pathway to this more optimal energy system, and describe why this more pragmatic approach is cheaper, faster, and better than more expensive and unproven options in consideration today.
C. Michael Ming currently serves as the Oklahoma Secretary of Energy and formerly served as the President of the Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America, RPSEA.
He also formerly served as an independent natural gas producer as a Managing Member and principal of K. Stewart Energy and K. Stewart Petroleum.
Ming is an emeritus member and past Chairman of the Petroleum Investments Committee at Stanford University. He is actively involved in the university’s energy programs and co-sponsored the MAP/Ming Visiting Professorship on Energy and the Environment.
He currently serves on advisory boards for the Stanford School of Earth Sciences, the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas, the MIT Natural Gas Study and the Oklahoma Clean Energy Independence Commission.
He has served as an adjunct professor in energy management at the University of Oklahoma and as an oil and gas strategic planning advisor to the Department of Energy. Ming holds a BS degree with distinction in petroleum engineering and an MS degree in engineering management, both from Stanford University, California, USA, and is a Registered Professional Engineer in Oklahoma.
Distinguished Lecturer Program started in 1961 with three lecturers the Distinguished Lecturer Program is funded primarily by the SPE Foundation through member donations and a contribution from Offshore Europe. We also appreciate the companies that allow their professionals to serve as lecturers and the additional support from AIME. More than 450 presentations are offered each year, and each section can receive up to three lectures per year.
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