Physics on Web ...

This page contains links to education-related sites on the Web and
computer-based learning materials in physics.
- Learning materials in physics (PL) - at the pages of the Faculty of physics and Applied Computer Science.
- Open AGH - physics courses (PL)
- Openstax Polska - free Physics textbooks (PL)
- Openstax - free textbooks (Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry ...)
- MIT OpenCourseware - MIT free online course materials (Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry ...)
- Hyperphysics - physics course
- Lectures by Walter Lewin - physics course
- Education index - physics resources
- physics WEB - physics news.
- Virtual physics Laboratory - collection of Java physics applets
- Phet Interactive Science Simulations - collection of interactive physics simulations.
- Physclips - physics animations, clips, interactive tutorials
- Fowler's physics Applets (ENG) - collection of interactive physics simulations.
- The Free physics Textbook - the free Physics Textbook for free download
- Interactive Web physics - Java, Web-based animation and problem designer tool
- Programosy - learning materials in physics and astronomy (PL)