Rozprawa habilitacyjna: Experimental Investigations of atomic and µ-molecular processes in muon catalysis of nuclear reactions

(ISBN 978-83-60195-11-6)

Osoby zainteresowane otrzymaniem egzemplarza proszę o kontakt:


Wykład, seminarium na Wydziale Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, 16 stycznia 2009


Konferencja Użytkowników Komputerów Dużej Mocy, publikacja referatu:,

prezentacja jest dostępna tutaj


International Conference on Muon Catalyzed Fusion and Related Topics (µCF-07),




Linki do wybranych publikacji:

Investigation of muonic hydrogen isotopes scattering from H2 molecule


Method of investigation of nuclear reactions in charge-nonsymmetrical muonic complexes


Medium density variation as a method for investigating properties of mesomolecular resonances


Scattering of muonic hydrogen atoms


New effects in low energy scattering of p µ atoms


Study of μ-catalyzed fusion in H-D mixtures


Measurement of the fusion rate in μd3He


Time-evolution of cascade processes of muonic atoms in hydrogen-helium mixtures

Inverse Z-pinch in fundamental investigations


Astrophysical S factor for dd interaction at ultralow energies


Generation of the Ultracold Muonic Hydrogen Flux


Ramsauer–Townsend Effect in Solid Hydrogen


Experimental Search for μd3He Fusion


Scattering of pμ muonic atoms in solid hydrogen

Muon capture by 3He nuclei followed by proton and deuteron production

Experimental study of μ-atomic and μ-molecular processes in pure helium and deuterium-helium mixtures

Method of Monte Carlo grid for data analysis


Ramsauer-Townsend effect in muonic atom scattering


Study of the nuclear fusion in a muonic dμ3He complex


Kinetics of muon catalyzed fusion processes in solid H/D mixture


Study of the pd reaction in the astrophysical energy region using the Hall accelerator


Study of the d (d, n)3He reaction in the astrophysical energy region with the use of the Hall accelerator