Assistant Professor
Dr. Eng.
Mieszko Tokarski
building B3, room 305
phone: +48 12 617 56 39
Scientific research
The area of my research and development activity so far includes both analytical and numerical methods. I had the opportunity to deal with heat and mass transport and balance models in analytical terms, while in numerical terms these are:
- finite element method (FEM),
- heuristic and optimization algorithms,
- interpolation algorithms,
- computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
Projects I was involved in concerned:
- 3D modeling of transient heat conduction in an orthotropic body using the finite element method,
- computational model of a condensation hood,
- analytical model of heat losses in the blast furnace pipeline,
- modelu cieplno-przepływowego laboratoryjnego cyklonu osiowego,
- modelu cieplno-przepływowego cyklonu przemysłowego w drodze gazu wielkopiecowego,
- modelu cieplno-przepływowego cyklonu przemysłowego w drodze gazu obiegowego instalacji suchego chłodzenia koksu,
- modelu spalania niskogradientowego paliw gazowych w kotle płomienicowo-płomieniówkowym.
List of publications:
- Tokarski, M., Ryfa, A., Buliński, P., Rojczyk, M., Ziarko, K., & Nowak, A. J. (2020). Mathematical model and measurements of a combi-steamer condensation hood. Archives of Thermodynamics, 41(1), 125–149. https://doi.org/10.24425/ather.2020.132952.
- Tokarski, M., Ryfa, A., Bulinski, P., Rojczyk, M., Ziarko, K., Ostrowski, Z., & Nowak, A. J. (2021). Experimental analysis and development of an in-house CFD condensation hood model. Heat and Mass Transfer. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00231-021-03109-7
- Tokarski, M., Ryfa, A., Buliński, P., Rojczyk, M., Ziarko, K., Ostrowski, Z., & Nowak, A. J. (2021). Development of a Condensation Model and a New Design of a Condensation Hood—Numerical and Experimental Study. Energies, 14(5), 1344. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14051344.
- Tokarski M. et al 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2116 012099.
- Buczyński, R., Uryga-Bugajska, I., & Tokarski, M. (2022). Recent advances in low-gradient combustion modelling of hydrogen fuel blends. Fuel, 328, 125265. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2022.125265.
- Pawlak, S., Tokarski, M., Ryfa, A., Orlande, H. R. B., & Adamczyk, W. (2022). Measurement of the anisotropic thermal conductivity of carbon-fiber/epoxy composites based on laser-induced temperature field: Experimental investigation and numerical analysis. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 139, 106401. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2022.106401.
- Ryfa, A., Tokarski, M., Ostrowski, Z., Rojczyk, M., & Nowak, A. J. (2022). Influence of working conditions on the condensation efficiency of the prototype condensation hood. Heat and Mass Transfer. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00231-022-03304-0.
- Ryfa A., Tokarski M., Adamczyk W., Klimanek A., Bargiel P., Białecki R., Kocot M., Niesler M., Kania H., Stecko J., Czaplicka M., Development and validation of numerical model of an axial gas cleaning cyclone., Powder Technology (under review).
- Tokarski M., Buczyński R., Strugała A., Spalanie niskogradientowe i wodór. Nowa Energia, nr 1(87)/2023, 65-67. ISSN 1899-0886.
- M. Tokarski, R. Buczyński, Heat Transfer Analysis for Combustion under Low-Gradient Conditions in a Small-Scale Industrial Energy Systems, Energies, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 186, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.3390/en17010186.