under construction

Below you may find the slides presented at the lectures "Electronic Metrology" in the Acrobat PDF format.
The contents of this webpage will be updated in the course of the semester

  1. L1 - introduction, units, standards, etc.
  2. L2 - signals and their parameters
  3. L3 - digital measurements and digital instruments
  4. L4 & 5 - oscilloscope and oscilloscope measurements
  5. L6 - measurement of non-electrical quantities (lecture with comments)
  6. L7 - methods of impedance measurements (lecture with comments)
  7. L8 & 9 Measurement uncertainty (lecture with comments)
Interesting links:

Laboratory schedule for 2021/22

Instructions for exercises
Manuals for equipment
Exercise 0:
Exercise 1:
AC voltages and currents (introductory lab)
Exercise 2:
 Electronic scale
Exercise 3:
DC voltages and currents
Exercise 4:
        ADC and DAC converters
Exercise 5:
Digital interfaces - random signals
Digital Oscilloscope Tektronix TBS1154
Digital Multimeter  Agilent U3401A
Digital Multimeter  Rigol DM3068
Signal Generator Rigol DG1022


The material provided
here is intended for an internal use
by the students only, and it is not allowed
distribute it in any form and under any circumstances