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The energy efficiency of hot water production by gas water heaters with a combustion chamber sealed with respect to the room

Czerski Grzegorz  Strugała Andrzej        
Year   Vol. Number Pages
2014  6  8   2394-2411
Impact Factor
Abstract in the main language of the article
Keywords in the main language
efektywność energetyczna  podgrzewacze ciepłej wody  produkcja ciepłej wody      
Title in the additional language
Abstract in the additional language
This paper presents investigative results of the energy efficiency of hot water production for sanitary uses by means of gas-fired water heaters with the combustion chamber sealed with respect to the room in single-family houses and multi-story buildings. Additionally, calculations were made of the influence of pre-heating the air for combustion in the chimney and air supply system on the energy efficiency of hot water production. CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) software was used for calculation of the heat exchange in this kind of system. The studies and calculations have shown that the use of gas water heaters with a combustion chamber sealed with respect to the room significantly increases the efficiency of hot water production when compared to traditional heaters. It has also been proven that the pre-heating of combustion air in concentric chimney and air supply ducts essentially improves the energy efficiency of gas appliances for hot water production.
Keywords in the additional language
energy efficiency  gas-fired water heaters  hot water production      
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